Forward From Dill & Susan


Having been boots-on-the-ground working with young adults since 1976 on six continents in over 60 countries, we have trained over 100,000 people to Take Charge! Programs we designed have been implemented on all seven continents in over 198 countries and territories. Yes, we have been blessed. During this long journey we have learned many lessons that we are eager to share with you. This series of thought-starters is designed as a guide for you to use as you plan for the next chapter in your life. We have found that the principles presented in the following chapters work. We want to take a moment to thank you for taking the time to have a read. It is our hope there will be some passages that make you stop and think: Wow, I can do this! 
Also, thanks for allowing us in the second part of this book to archive some of our stories in experiential marketing so our grandchildren one day may get a little glimpse and inspiration from our stories from the road. And you may find some interesting, entertaining, and containing a nugget of knowledge. 

Remember, It is your can add value to every situation you find yourself in today...or you can be a drain and try to extract value from those same situations. It is our prayer that you decide to be remarkable! To be Intrepid Spirits! 

Dill & Susan