

It was the foundation of McWhorter Driscoll.

P oise attitude of confidence which comes from complete honesty. A belief in what you are doing is good for you and the customer. It is complete trust in the mission.

A ttitude...P^6: Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. C^4: do not Critique, Condemn, Complain, Cuss.

S trategic… You must think of your strategy in everything you do.

S ubstance... You must have integrity and a personal style.

I nnovative... You must embrace new thinking and change.

O n time. On budget.

Non stop forward motion...things will be difficult...CARRY ON!


In today’s crazy world having passion is a great thing! Just take a moment to think about where you are heading today:

What is a your mission? How are you going to make a difference today in the world around you?


We know it sounds Polly Ann-ish but we really can make a difference One Person at a Time...Spreading Positive Human Energy.

Here is to making the world a better place today than it was yesterday...Dill