We have seen this written in many places with no mention of the author. It is a shame, because he or she deserves credit for such a great thought.
As we prepare to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Blue Planet Run here at the Farm, it is with great respect as we think of those 20 Intrepid Spirits who ran around the 40th parallel in 94 days. We stepped off from the United Nations Plaza at 10h00 on 1 June 2007, and we returned exactly on schedule on 4 September at 10h00. We were told it was impossible; runners could not run 10 miles everyday for 94 days. Well, the doubters did not know our amazing team. This team made daily decisions that affected their destiny on completing the mission. Small decisions such as getting enough rest, eating the right foods, not pushing their limits for no reason, as well as big decisions of do I let someone take my shift since my muscles are about to bend beyond repair and need a day of rest. These men and women attacked each day with passion, purpose and positive expectations. They ran to deliver to the world the message that we can provide safe drinking water to everyone. We are still pursuing that relief of clean water for everyone, and should never stop pursuing the challenge until it is complete. The Rotary accomplished the unbelievable of conquering polio; so why can’t the world conquer safe drinking water? Our daily decisions do impact the result.
What is your passion, purpose, positive expectation for today? Let’s make a great decision that leads to a great destiny.