“The journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step.”
- Lao Tzu
There are times when issues and challenges appear too big to overcome. We are experiencing one of those times today.
So how do we do are part to help solve these challenges?
I truly believe if each person reaches out to ten people and has an honest and hard discussion with each one of them about what is truly right and just...to truly love one another...we as a global society can fix this.
It is terrible that something so horrible had to happen to George Floyd to wake us up.
As we think about what we can do, it starts with the smallest of gestures...a smile...helping someone unload a grocery cart...looking in your library and donating a book...offering to tutor those less fortunate...what all of these things come down to is just doing the right thing thing.
Kristoff Cohran spelled out many other tangible ways that we can all come together and make a difference. I urge you all to go rewatch his speech and read the answers to our questions in our Intrepid Spirits Huddle Archive.
Ideas are a dime a dime a dozen...Action is what makes ideas come to life...Let’s make a commitment to each other to truly make a positive difference in this world today...We can do this...One small step at a time.
Thank you for doing your part in making a positive difference in people’s lives today.