On this week’s episode of Intrepid Spirits Huddle (rewatch here), we had a chance to discuss the crazy times we are currently living in. Between COVID-19 and the George Floyd protests, many cities are turning riots into a theme: ”America, We Have A Problem!”
We as a nation did not tune into the “Heartbeat of America”. We carried on as if nothing was happening. Yet there were - and are - a lot of things happening under the surface. Today is not the day to talk about all the different factions that are at war in our streets. Today is a time to talk about the possible solutions to get us to a place where we all *honestly* discuss our true feelings of a way forward. A place where the truth is heard. A place where you are not judged on your beliefs but by your actions.
This is the perfect time to emphasize: Plan the Work...Work the Plan!
We have been blessed to have worked on several projects that have challenged people to think about things in a different way:
Carry The Load: What is the True Meaning of Memorial Day?
Coca-Cola’s Olympic Torch Relays: What do the Olympics Mean to the World?
Girl Up, with the UN Foundation: Why is Speaking Up about Women’s Rights so Important?
Live 8 with Bono/Geldoff: One Billion Dollars of Debt Relief to Struggling African Nations
Blue Planet Run: Awareness for Safe Drinking Water
Step With It: Six Million Pedometers to Middle School Students to Show How 10.000 Steps A Day Keeps Them Fit
Live Earth with Al Gore: Global Warming!
Coca-Cola and the FIFA World Cup Trophy Tour: Sharing the Largest Sporting Event in the World with the World
So you could say we have been training to bring about Change in America...What this looks like, we are not sure, but we have a platform in the Music World Cup that may be *one* of the many necessary solutions....we do not know for sure.
But we do know one thing: we have been here before and we have come up with vehicles to make a difference thanks to the collective of out-of-the-box thinkers we were surrounded by at the time.
We are asking for your help. If you have an idea: PLEASE SHARE! We will not rest till we have a society that truly communicates with one another with total honesty and POISE. With that, we can say we all live in a society where everyone has what we all truly desire: Peace. Joy. Contentment.
Look forward to seeing you on Monday at the Intrepid Spirits Huddle at 12h00 EST!
Let’s make it a wonderful day...Dill